Warming Socks Technique

I caught a cold this week. I figured it was a good day to tell you about a technique I learned when I was living in Vancouver over 20 years ago that I use whenever I get a sore throat: THE WARMING SOCKS TECHNIQUE. I learned it from a naturopathic doctor I was seeing in 2001 and I have used it with every cold since. I still have a cold, but the itchy, sore throat is gone.

Here are the instructions I got over 20 years ago and still follow today with my own change due to my wool allergy:

  1. Make sure your feet are warm first — if they are not warm — soak them in warm/hot water for 5-10 minutes to warm them up first. THIS IS IMPORTANT!  I sometimes take a hot shower.

  2. Soak 1 pair of light/medium weight cotton socks in cold water, wring them out, and put them on.

  3. Put a DRY pair of heavy wool socks (I am allergic to wool so I just use heavy cotton socks) on over top of the wet socks.

  4. Go to bed. Leave the socks on while you sleep. (If you wake up really HOT because your feet are dry — you can remove them)


  • Increases circulation

  • Decreases congestion in upper respiratory passages

  • Can be relaxing and sedating — I sleep like a BABY

  • Said to be good for pain relief too — haven’t tried this though – let us know if you try it.


  • It feels weird for a few minutes, but soon you will not notice.

  • For a bad sore throat I have had to do it a few nights in a row — but it feels much better daily.

  • I have used this as preventative as well — while traveling with someone who had a sore throat I did this daily to make sure that I didn’t wake up with their sore throat. It worked.


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